Marta Domachowska Hot Female Tennis Playe, Biography, Hot Photos, Wallpapers, Videos.

Marta Domachowska  Biography
Currently without a coach
Parents are both retired; mother, Barbara, used to run a jewelry store; father, Wieslaw, worked for ING
Began playing tennis at age 7; loved it immediately, and loved watching Steffi Graf on TV
Speaks Polish, English, Spanish, Russian
Favorite actor is Brad Pitt
Favorite foods are pizza and pancakes; favorite drink is Fanta
Other sports interests include soccer, swimming
Enjoys spending time with friends and family, listening to music, shopping and watching movies with her boyfriend, ex-world champion swimmer Pawel Korzeniowski
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska
Marta Domachowska

marta domachowska

Warsaw 2009 - City Tour with Marta Domachowska

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